I lack tangible evidence to validate our connection, yet within me, there’s a haunting echo of your presence, a ghostly reminder of what once was. Your essence clings to me like a gentle caress, your scent weaving through the fibers of my being, your voice an ethereal melody that still resonates in the chambers of my heart.

There’s no concrete proof that I held significance in your world, but in the depths of my soul, there’s a flicker of hope, a whisper that refuses to be silenced. I question my own intuition, why it often leads me astray. Yet, deep down, I cling to the belief that I am cherished by someone, even if it’s just a fleeting thought in the darkness of the night.

You possessed a power over me that I cannot deny. With a mere glance, a soft touch, you unraveled the threads of my resistance. It didn’t take long for me to succumb to the gravity of your presence, to lose myself in the depths of your gaze. Your words became my truth, your desires my purpose.

I was foolish to believe that we shared a bond strong enough to withstand the trials of time. I painted grandiose dreams of our future together, each one more vivid than the last. But reality proved to be a cruel mistress, tearing apart the fabric of our illusions with ruthless abandon.

In the end, there’s no empirical proof of our love… or perhaps, that’s a lie I tell myself to numb the ache in my chest. For my heart, though silent, still bears the scars of our connection, a testament to the depth of our affection. Yet, it remains incapable of articulating the truth, leaving me to drown in a sea of unanswered questions and shattered dreams.